Friday 30 September 2016

Experience of directing with the BBC

One advantage, I have coming into this project is that for many years I have been involved in drama and theatre and have worked with many different directors and even directed myself. From this experience I know the correct way to get the desired performance out of someone and how to instruct them clearly.

I have also had the lucky experience to get to work on a BBC drama "The A Word" so I have had experience of working on a professional film set, so I understand how to be efficient with my time and organise it all.

In our video, we want to get happy and sad performances to provide a jugster positions of moods so i am going to instruct my actors to have a moment before takes to allow them to get into the mood that the scene requires this is known as "Emotion memory" and is something Katie and Luke are familiar with.

I also intended to use a idea known as proxemics which means the space between people and from this space you can easily guess at how people feel towards each other, if we have Katie and Luke close together in the montage it will communicate to the audience the idea of a relationship.

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