Friday 16 September 2016

Planning: Locations and example's of shots from the house location

 This is the room I want to use for the establishing shot of the video, we would be able to see both characters from the start and it's a visually interesting shot with lots of different angel's. It also create's the representation of Luke who would be sat on the window sill being more powerful than Katie who would be in a lower angel to him. This is a representation we want to create as it fit's our concept.
I would like to use the grate on the stair's as a natural frame as it would make an interesting simple shot to show the characters moving with the feet appearing on the stairs. If we try different speed's we might be able to show different emotions through the pacing of them moving.

In my back garden there is a wooden frame, if we tried shooting at night with this draped in lights ( Fairy lights ) for example that could be an interesting aesthetic shot. It would be good to use as it's a location we have access to without any issues.

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