Thursday 29 September 2016

Planning: Mood board of principle location

Now that I see the colour scheme of my locations ,I need to start to decide what colours what I want to use for synergy which im thinking will be a mixture of grey, green and brown which is quite an earthy colour scheme so maybe we could explore this in our font? or carry these colours onto our digi pack creating synergy between the video and our promotional material

As for costumes that would work in this location I feel our initial costumes plans would still work, but to really pull them off and make them look good, we will have to have the framing of our shot's be very precise to make sure they blend and work together by not having to many colours show up in the shot.

How this has influenced my creativity and planning
This has influenced my creativity and planning as I am now seeing how I could direct certain scenes based around the locations and whats available near by, such as a long shot of Katie sat by herself on the train station platform.

1 comment:

  1. Add How this research has influenced planning & creativity.
    It looks like synergy will be informed by the colours here? perhaps you could list them and add any thoughts on costume that will work in these locations?
