Friday 16 September 2016

Planning: Costume

Luckily our music video only features two people, good friends of mine who are actors Katie and Luke, which means we only have to plan for two people which is a defiantly a positive thing. For the costume for our video, I have a few idea's

The plot of our music video follow's the idea of relationships and how you always think about the people you aren't with, Luke in our music video will be playing the person Katie is thinking off. I want to dress him in black as it create's the representation of him gone straight away but leaves the question in the audiences mind's of " are they no longer together or is he dead". This is an example of the outfit I would want to use as it is simple but refined and goes against the stereotype of young people being dressed in Track pants and hoodies.

In our Video we plan to make a montage to establish to the audience what their relationship is, for this montage I want to have look dressed like a good guy so I would want to have him with some kind of blue shirt as people connect blue with the ability to trust them only for him then in the montage to slowly pull away from Katie and slowly break away from her challenging the representation of a good guy we made of him.

Since our establishing shot is of a bedroom it makes sense to have Katie dressed in pyjamas for that and maybe some other shot's so we get a sense of time passing from the change of wardrobe. If they have alot of different colours we could take the colours from them and place them on the digi pack creating synergy between the music video and the digi pack itself.

The outfit on the right is an example of what i would want Katie to change into after the pyjamas as it is aesthetic and stereotypicaly kind of girly.

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