Tuesday 20 September 2016

Research: Shot types and montage

 In mine and Caity's music video for our media course, we plan to included a montage to give a sense of narrative to establish Katie's and Luke's relationship. We looked to other music videos to gain ideas and this is what we found.

For this shot we want to have them both hanging their heads off the edge of the bed smiling to each other, with the background blurred to draw focus to their faces.

We want to include some shot's of them happier together before the relationship starts to turn sour like we planned in our lyrics analysis, this would be a good example as we would be able to see their body language to tell how happy they are together.

A shot of their hand's inter linked together would give a clear narrative to their emotions, as if they are close together it gives you the idea of them being in love but if we take some shot's of their hands drifting apart you can tell how they don't fell as happy as they do normally.

From this shot it can tell two stories, them being happy or him being sad and she's reassuring them. Since we are going down the route of him leaving her this shot could be useful to use as it could communicate him being unhappy.

Shot's we will use

  • A medium close up of them from behind sitting together
  • An extreme close up of their hands
  • A blurred shot of their Head's hanging off the edge of a bed or 

How this influenced my creativity and planning
This influenced my planning mainly as I knew that when we switched to basing our piece off relationships, I knew a good montage would be useful to get our concept across but now we have planned out what we are doing I feel calmer about the process of making a music video.