Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Research: convention of indie rock videos

Caity [my partner] and I have decided have decided that our genre for our video will be indie rock, so lately I have been listening to and watching indie rock music videos and found that one convention of them is a series of montages sometimes relevant to the narrative of the song other times just visually impressive and add to a performance based video.

How this influenced my planning 
One way that I could try and incorporate this into our video would be to include a series of shots to add a narrative to our video so its not just performance based which would be useful as we could also communicate our initial concept easier  we could add a story to help get the point across.


  1. Check your wording, it's important to proofread your posts. 'Recently me and my partner on this project Caity have decided that ...' This should read Recently Caity [my partner] and I have decided...
