Friday, 18 November 2016

Planning: Budget and above the line costs

 Above the line costs is used for matters related to the film's production budget, when we first started the project me and  Caity set a budget of £25 and were going to stick to it at all costs. For me and Caity filming our music video this was mainly

  • food
  • petrol
  • props

The only prop we had to buy for our video was a cup that was shamed to show Katie's anger at Luke in the video. This cup cost 1 pound as we bought it from a discount store know as "Bargain Madness".

To save cost's when we were filming on the first day we decided that we were going to walk to location mainly as we were filming in a local setting and everything was close together, this I credit for being the main reason we came in on budget. On day two of filming we were given a lift around by my nanna as we had some shots that were further away. We didn't have to pay for petrol thanks to her generosity this was another huge posotive helping us stick to the budget we had set.

The thing that cost us the most money was the food to feed our actors Luke and Katie. we spent roughly 20 pounds on pizza and food so we could thank them for helping us out with this project by making sure they were well fed.

Food: £20
Props: £1

Total cost: £21

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